Tuesday, November 15, 2011

the asshole list

Here is the first member of our asshole list ...

Duroche" <loveschoklat402000@yahoo.ca  also known as sporty fit hunk on sugardaddie.com ... this is a picture collector who lives in toronto near yonge and elington...  

because i wasnt in the country at the time this mofo blocked me.

1 comment:

  1. I have never commented on anything online ever, but I was blocked by Sporty fit Hunk on Sugar Daddie & am left feeling ashamed, like I did something wrong. I am at a loss, he was so interested in meeting me & was just so busy, then when he said he'd have time to talk on Wed of this past week & I never heard from him, I noticed I was off his hotlist & then I was unable to email him...he had blocked me. Was it me, was I too pushy, or is this guy one of those online guys that posts fake pictures & never really materializes?
